Free Online Crossbow Tools

Welcome to our tools page. Here, you will find a collection of powerful tools designed to help you on your crossbow journey. You can access these resources directly from your favorite browser without signing up or installing anything!

  • Bow & Arrow Speed Calculator: This tool helps archers calculate the speed of an arrow upon release from the bow. Users can input variables such as draw weight, arrow weight, and draw length to receive an estimate of their arrow’s velocity.
  • FOC Calculator: Designed for bowhunters and archers, this tool calculates the Front of Center (FOC) percentage of an arrow. The FOC percentage is critical for understanding arrow stability and accuracy, and users can find it by entering the arrow’s length and weight distribution details.
  • Kinetic Energy & Momentum Calculator: This calculator is intended for hunters and archery enthusiasts to determine the kinetic energy and momentum of their arrows. It takes into account factors such as arrow weight and speed, providing valuable insights into the potential impact power upon a target.

Keep an eye out for more digital tools coming soon.

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